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Avione Lorikeet Dry Food|

AVIONE Lorikeet Dry Food


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Avione Lorikeet Dry Food 

Avione Lory Dry Lorikeet Rearing & Conditioning Food helps attracts lorikeets & honeyeaters to your garden with all natural & pre-cooked ingredients. 

Avione Lory Dry provides a complete feeding regime for your rainbow & other lorikeets. It provides a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrate, fats, vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids.

Lorikeet Feeding :

Have dry Avione Lorikeet food available to your lorikeets at all times. Make sure your lorikeets also have plenty of fresh clean water.

For each pair, feed half a fresh apple daily, or the nectar mix.

Nectar Mix :

If you want to feed a wet nectar in addition to the dry method try the folowing. Mix 1 heaped teaspoon of Avione Lorikeet Food with 50 mls cold water. Add one teaspoon of strained baby apple or strained baby beef and vegetables. Feed this each morning at the rate of a dessert spoon to each pair. You can freeze the nectar mix by making larger quantities and spooning portions into ice cube moulds. When frozen take the nectar mix out of the moulds and put into freezer bags. Thaw the exact number of serves the night before for morning feeds.