Baby Duck Diaper Harness (Set of 5)
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Baby Duck Diaper Harness (Set of 5)
Baby Duck Diaper Harness (Set of 5).
Baby ducks love to be with their human families and can sleep on you for hours. The set of five Baby Harnesses in graduated sizes will make holding your duckling so much more enjoyable. At the same time, your baby duck will get used to wearing a diaper. Ducklings grow at an incredible rate – in fact, a Harness that fits at night may be too small by morning!
Baby harnesses hold a cut-out piece of sanitary pad (MaxiPad, etc.) and because ducklings eat a lot, they must be changed every 1 to 3 hours.
Baby Harnesses should be ordered before the duckling’s arrival or before it is one week old. DO NOT ORDER BABY HARNESSES IF YOUR BABIES ARE MORE THAN 5 DAYS OLD. They can be put on at one week and will last until approximately 4 weeks old. Baby Packages will now have 5 harnesses.
This Set of 5 Baby Duck Diaper Harness comes with full instructions.
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