Dog Rocks 200g
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Dog Rocks 200g
100% Natural. No more urine burn patches on your lawn.
Dog Rocks are an all natural product of Australia. When placed in your dogs' water bowl they can help stop those nasty burn patches on your lawn which are caused by your loving pet taking a pee.
Dog Rocks are made form a naturally occurring paramagnetic igneous rock. When placed into your dog's water bowl these Rocks will remove any nitrates and tin found naturally in tap water. This will give your dog a cleaner, healthier source of water supply. Dog Rocks do NOT alter the pH urine balance in any way. Dog Rocks are not uniform size and differ from pack to pack in content because they are entirely natural. The weight of each pack is the same and therefore the efficiency consistent. There are not known harmful effects on dogs through the use of Dog Rocks where directions are followed. However, if your dog has a pre-existing illness don't change their diet. Dog Rocks are only intended for use as stated.
Direction for use:
- Remove all Dog ROcks from this pack and rinse.
- Fill your dog's water bowl with no more than 2 litres of water.
- Add all rinsed Dog Rocks from this pack into your dog's water bowl.
Recommended for best results
- Replace your Dog Rocks every 2 months (Diary sticker included).
- Ensure our dog's water bowl is the main source of drinking water.
- Top up each evening and replace water every few days.
- For best results fed your dog a premium dry dog food and keep red meat to a minimum.
You should start to notice a change in your lawns apperance within 5 weeks. New patches should not appear!
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