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Thundershirt for Dogs Large


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$59.95 inc GST

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Thundershirt for Dogs Large

Thundershirt is a proven solution for many types of anxiety including noise, crate, travel, stranger, and separation anxieties. Over 85% of Thundershirt users are reporting significant improvement in anxiety symptoms.

With its patent-pending design, Thundershirt's gentle, constant pressure has a dramatic calming effect for most dogs if they are anxious, fearful or over-excited. Based on surveys completed by over two thousand customers, over 80% of dogs show significant improvement in symptoms when using Thundershirt. Thundershirt is already helping tens of thousands of dogs around the world, and is recommended by thousands of veterinarians and dog trainers.

As for WHY Thundershirt's gentle pressure works to calm a dog, experts such as Dr. Temple Grandin believe that pressure has a calming effect on the nervous system. Using pressure to relieve anxiety has been a common practice for years.

Safe, effective, drug free and easy to use.

Colour: Grey.

Use ThunderShirt for:

  • Fear of Thunder
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Barking Problems
  • Any Noise Anxiety
  • Car or Travel Anxiety
  • Crate Anxiety
  • Reactivity
  • General Fearfulness
  • Excitability
  • Leash Pulling
  • General Training Tool