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API Pond Algaefix Pond Algaecide|

API Pond Algaefix Pond Algaecide


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API Pond Algaefix Pond Algaecide 

API Pond AlgaeFix controls many types of green or green water algae, string or hair algae, and blanketweed in ponds with live plants. This powerful and fast-acting treatment controls existing algae, and helps resolve algae blooms. Registered with the Environmental Protection Agency, AlgaeFix is safe for use in ponds, fountains, and waterfalls, and may be used in ponds with live plants and fish.  

  • Effectively controls "green water" algae bloos, Sting or Hair algae and BLanketweed in water gardens, koi and goldfish ponds, and ornamental fountains.
  • Keeps water clean and clear
  • For use in Ponds and fountains containing live plants and fish

Use API for a clean, healthy pond all season long!


To ensure accurate dosing, determine pond volume before use. Do not overdose. Add 1 teaspoon for each 50 gallons/0.25 cup for each 600 gallons of pond or fountain water. Throughly mix into pond water by adding near the pump outflow, waterfall, or aeration device. It can be mixed in a bucket and dispersed evenly around the pond. Repeat dose every 3 days until algae is controlled. Once algae growth is under control, add one dose per week.