Pet Shop Direct


Dog Crates, Kennels & Puppy Pens

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Collapsible Dog Crate
Puppy Pen Small PP24
Puppy Pen Medium PP30
Puppy Pen Large PP36
Puppy Pen XLarge PP42

Showing 12 of 12


Give Your Fluffy Friend A Home in a Puppy Pen

Dogs need to have a place where they can go to feel safe, comfortable and secure. A dog kennel is the perfect way of providing a clean and comfortable environment, that is sheltered protect from the weather. Pet Shop Direct is the go-to place on the Australian market for your pet supply needs. We have a large range of quality dog kennels made of premium materials such as timber or plastic. We offer a large range of dog crates and puppy pens to suit every need and style.

Dog crates are essential for providing a safe and secure space for your dog whether you are at home or on the go. A dog crate is handy for puppies who are still learning to be well-behaved and for dogs who need to be confined for safety reasons. We also provide a selection of crate covers to help create a cosy and comfortable space for your dog. 

Puppy pens are a great way to keep your puppy or small animal contained to a certain area while you're away or busy. These are great for puppies, adult dogs, and small animals like rabbits and guinea pigs. Puppy pens are portable fences that allow puppies and adult dogs sufficient space to play around. They can be used both indoors and outdoors, and can be joined together to create a larger space.

Make Sure Your Dog Is Safe in Dog Crate or Dog Kennel

What aspect should interest you most when you are looking for a dog kennel? Safety. It is essential to choose a kennel made of a durable material that is easy to wash and that your dog will feel comfortable in. Our quality timber kennels are constructed with durable pine and have a waterproof removable roof. They have double the insulation as other wooden kennels making them twice as insulating so it stays cooler in summer and warmer in winter. They are great for dogs of all sizes. A plastic dog kennel, in some cases may be a more practical option than a timber dog kennel due to being lightweight and easier to clean. Talk to our trained experts who can help you decide which kennel is best for you.

From Fish to Cat Supplies, We Have What You Need

We invite you to browse our dog crate, kennel and puppy pen selection at Pet Shop Direct. Our online pet shop offers a wide range of options to suit every need and style, including different sizes and dog crate covers for added convenience. Are you now looking for additional accessories for the other pets in your household? Then you've come to the right place. From cat scratching posts and collars leads & harnesses to filter media and aquarium heaters for fish tanks, the products available on our site can satisfy the needs of he most fussy customers. Our staff are always ready to answer your queries, our warehouses are efficient, and our products are constantly updated to keep up with the latest developments in the Australian market.

All our dog crates, kennels and puppy pens can be viewed and purchased in person from our partner retail store located in Sydney. They are open 7 days. Petfood Plus, 1230 Canterbury Rd Roselands NSW 2196. ph. (02) 9750 2922.