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Aqua One Bio Balls Small 300/Bag|

Aqua One Bio Balls Small 300/Bag


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Aqua One Bio Balls Small 300/Bag

In an enclosed environment such as a home aquarium, waste (faeces, uneaten food and plant matter) accumulates rapidly. For this reason it is of the utmost importance to have a strong biological system to break down such waste material before it becomes toxic to the aquarium inhabitants.

Biological Filtration is the process by which waste is broken down from toxic ammonia to less toxic nitrates (see above illustration of nitrogen cycle) by beneficial bacteria that inhabit the surfaces of the Bioballs. The optimum conditions for bacteria to prosper are: a constant supply of oxygen, and media with large amounts of surface area for good bacterial colonization.

* in filter canisters, trickle, tray or box filters
* Any filter where biological filter media is required