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Blue Planet White Spot Remedy|

Blue Planet White Spot Remedy


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$9.95 inc GST

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Blue Planet White Spot Remedy

For the treatment of White Spot (Ichthyophthirius Multiifiliis) in Freshwater and Tropical Freshwater Aquariums.

White Spot Disease is a common fish parasite that can be introduced via new fish, plants, etc. THese parasites appear as distinct small white spots (pin head size) on the fish's body and fins. Unless prompt action is taken fatalities will occur.

Use at the rate of 0.25mL (5 drops) per 1L or 5mL per 20 litres of aquarium water. For tetra species, baby fish and scaleless fish (loaches etc), use at a reduced rate of 1mL (20 drops) per 8 litres of aquarium water or 5mL per 40 litres of aquarium water. Repeat dose after 3 days.