Chicken & Duck Diapers
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Chicken & Duck Diapers
Chicken Diapers:
FlockSuits are cleverly designed, comfortable, stretchy, reusable pet chicken diapers. They allow your feathered friends to come out of their coops (both indoors and outdoors) worry-free from embarrassing accidents. They are easy to put on and take off with Velcro® fasteners and ideal for travel! The patent pending poop-pouch safely keeps droppings away from the bird and you.
- Three separate points of adjustability, giving each chicken a custom fit - it can be adjusted lengthwise, widthwise and around the tail.
- Innovative T-Strap with loop design allows for maximum adjustability, comfort and safety.
- Elasticized tail strap accommodates various tail sizes and helps to contain odors.
- Fully-lined, waterproof poop pouch keeps droppings away from the bird and makes cleanup easy (allows owners to just dump contents in toilet and wipe clean).
- Extra strong Velcro back strap keeps the FlockSuit in place and allows for length variability.
- Made of soft and stretchy Lycra fabric for maximum comfort.
Duck Diapers:
Duck Sizing:
1. Runners - take either a size 1 or 2 as adults. It depends on their "build" - some runners are slimmer than others.
2. Mallards - take a Size 1
3. Pekin - Females are usually a size 2 / Males are usually a size 2 with some going to 3
4. Muscovy - Females usually size 2 / Males are usually size 3
5. Khaki Campbells - take a size 2
Duck Diaper Size 3 BLACK
Duck Sizing:
1. Runners - take either a size 1 or 2 as adults. It depends on their "build" - some runners are slimmer than others.
2. Mallards - take a Size 1
3. Pekin - Females are usually a size 2 / Males are usually a size 2 with some going to 3
4. Muscovy - Females usually size 2 / Males are usually size 3
5. Khaki Campbells - take a size 2
Quantity: 1 Diaper
Colour: Black
Chicken Diaper FlockSuit Large
Chicken Diaper FlockSuit Large.
We all know the chicken crossed the road, but what do you get when you cross a FlightSuit with a Flockstar? A FlockSuit! Avian Fashions and Two Creative Chicks (of America’s Got Talent and PuppyBowl fame) have teamed up to create the best chicken diaper on the planet! With their expertise in bird diapers and chicken behavior (as well as their musical talents and love for chickens), they make a team that might just revolutionize chicken ownership.
FlockSuits are cleverly designed, comfortable, stretchy, reusable pet chicken diapers. They allow your feathered friends to come out of their coops (both indoors and outdoors) worry-free from embarrassing accidents. They are easy to put on and take off with Velcro® fasteners and ideal for travel! The patent pending poop-pouch safely keeps droppings away from the bird and you.
- Three separate points of adjustability, giving each chicken a custom fit - it can be adjusted lengthwise, widthwise and around the tail.
- Innovative T-Strap with loop design allows for maximum adjustability, comfort and safety.
- Elasticized tail strap accommodates various tail sizes and helps to contain odors.
- Fully-lined, waterproof poop pouch keeps droppings away from the bird and makes cleanup easy (allows owners to just dump contents in toilet and wipe clean).
- Extra strong Velcro back strap keeps the FlockSuit in place and allows for length variability.
- Made of soft and stretchy Lycra fabric for maximum comfort.
- What chickens can wear the Flocksuit?
Any chicken with stiff tail feathers can wear the diaper. They must be old enough to have their adult tail feathers (generally after 4 weeks). It is not recommended for tailless breeds.
- Doesn't the bird's poop touch or stick to the bird?
The Flocksuit is designed so that it safely contains the poop AWAY from the bird. However, it may be necessary to trim the feathers around the vent if they have an especially fluffy bum or frequent wet stools.
- How long can birds wear a FlockSuit?
While FlockSuits can be worn for extended periods, we recommend they be emptied or at least checked every few hours or if it smells (just like with a human baby).
- How do you condition a bird to wear a FlockSuit?
Most chickens will become accustomed to the diaper fairly quickly. It is not, however, unusual for them to act strangely (refusing to move, walking sideways or backward, or pulling at the diaper) initially.
The following hints can aid in getting them comfortable more quickly:
Put the FlockSuit on the bird and immediately set it in front of a trail of its favorite treat going away from you. This serves as a positive reinforcement as well as a distraction.
Offer plenty of verbal praise.
Give favorite treats: meal worms, soldier fly larvae, blueberries, etc.
Make for quality one-on-one time away from the coop and other birds.
Treat bird to their favorite toy.
Chickens love to preen! They will fix their feathers until they are happy with how they are laying. This is normal and encouraged.
NOTE: Colours dispatched at random.
Sizing Guide
The breed chart below is meant as a general guide ONLY due to the tremendous amount of variation in size and shape within a breed. However, if you do not know the breed of your chicken, the best way to determine the size is to measure your chicken. To measure the length, you need to make sure the tail and neck are fully upright. Then measure from the base (bottom) of the back of the neck to the base (bottom) of the front of the tail. (do not include the tail feathers).
Petite (Size 0) | 2.5" to 3.5" |
X-Small (Size 1) | 3.5" to 5" |
Small (Size 2) | 4.5" to 6" |
Medium (Size 3) | 5.5" to 8.5" |
Large (Size 4) | 6.5" to 10" |
Ameraucana | Medium |
Ancona | Medium |
Andalusian | Medium |
Appenzellar Spitzhauben | Small |
Araucana | Medium |
Aseel | Small |
Australorp | Medium |
Avam Cemani | Small |
Baheij | Medium |
Bandara | Medium |
Bantam Silkie | Petite |
Bantam Sultan | Petite |
Barnevelder | Medium |
Belgian D’Anvers | X-Small |
Brahma Bantam | Small |
Brahma | Large |
Buckeye | Medium |
Buttercup | Medium |
Campine | Medium |
Catalana | Medium |
Chantecler | Medium |
Cochin | Large |
Cochin Bantam | Small |
Cornish | Large |
Crevecoeur | Medium |
Cubalaya | Medium |
Delaware | Medium |
Dominique | Medium |
Dorking | Medium |
D’Uccle | X-Small |
Dutch Bantam | Small |
English Game Bantam | Petite |
Egyptian Fayoumi | Small |
Faverolles | Medium |
Friesian | Medium |
Gimmizah | Medium |
Hamburg | Small |
Holland | Medium |
Houdan | Medium |
Japanese Bantam | Petite |
Java | Large |
Jersey Giant | Large |
La Fleche | Medium |
Lakenvelder | Small |
Lamona | Medium |
Langshan | Large |
Legbar | Medium |
Leghorn | Medium |
Malay | Large |
Minorca | Large |
Modern Game Bird | Small |
Naked Neck (Turken) | Medium |
New Hampshire Red | Medium |
Nankin | X-Small |
Old English Game Bird | Small |
Orloff | Medium |
Orpington (smaller sized) | Medium |
Orpington (larger sized) | Large |
Penedesenca | Small |
Phoenix | Small |
Plymouth Rock (smaller sized) | Medium |
Plymouth Rock (larger sized) | Large |
Polish | Small |
Polish Bantam | X-Small |
Red Cap | Medium |
Rhode Island Red | Medium |
Rosecomb | X-Small |
Silkie | Small |
Sablepoot | X-Small |
Seabright | Petite |
Serama | Petite |
Shamo | Large |
Styrian | Medium |
Sumatra | Small |
Sussex | Medium |
Sultan | Small |
Swedish Flower Hen | Medium |
Welsummer | Medium |
Wyandottes | Medium |
Yokohama | Small |
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Chicken & Duck Diapers
Chicken Diapers:
FlockSuits are cleverly designed, comfortable, stretchy, reusable pet chicken diapers. They allow your feathered friends to come out of their coops (both indoors and outdoors) worry-free from embarrassing accidents. They are easy to put on and take off with Velcro® fasteners and ideal for travel! The patent pending poop-pouch safely keeps droppings away from the bird and you.
- Three separate points of adjustability, giving each chicken a custom fit - it can be adjusted lengthwise, widthwise and around the tail.
- Innovative T-Strap with loop design allows for maximum adjustability, comfort and safety.
- Elasticized tail strap accommodates various tail sizes and helps to contain odors.
- Fully-lined, waterproof poop pouch keeps droppings away from the bird and makes cleanup easy (allows owners to just dump contents in toilet and wipe clean).
- Extra strong Velcro back strap keeps the FlockSuit in place and allows for length variability.
- Made of soft and stretchy Lycra fabric for maximum comfort.
Duck Diapers:
Duck Sizing:
1. Runners - take either a size 1 or 2 as adults. It depends on their "build" - some runners are slimmer than others.
2. Mallards - take a Size 1
3. Pekin - Females are usually a size 2 / Males are usually a size 2 with some going to 3
4. Muscovy - Females usually size 2 / Males are usually size 3
5. Khaki Campbells - take a size 2
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Duck Diaper Size 1 BLACK
Duck Sizing:
1. Runners - take either a size 1 or 2 as adults. It depends on their "build" - some runners are slimmer than others.
2. Mallards - take a Size 1
3. Pekin - Females are usually a size 2 / Males are usually a size 2 with some going to 3
4. Muscovy - Females usually size 2 / Males are usually size 3
5. Khaki Campbells - take a size 2
Quantity: 1 Diaper
Colour: Black
Chicken Diaper FlockSuit Medium
Chicken Diaper FlockSuit Medium.
We all know the chicken crossed the road, but what do you get when you cross a FlightSuit with a Flockstar? A FlockSuit! Avian Fashions and Two Creative Chicks (of America’s Got Talent and PuppyBowl fame) have teamed up to create the best chicken diaper on the planet! With their expertise in bird diapers and chicken behavior (as well as their musical talents and love for chickens), they make a team that might just revolutionize chicken ownership.
FlockSuits are cleverly designed, comfortable, stretchy, reusable pet chicken diapers. They allow your feathered friends to come out of their coops (both indoors and outdoors) worry-free from embarrassing accidents. They are easy to put on and take off with Velcro® fasteners and ideal for travel! The patent pending poop-pouch safely keeps droppings away from the bird and you.
- Three separate points of adjustability, giving each chicken a custom fit - it can be adjusted lengthwise, widthwise and around the tail.
- Innovative T-Strap with loop design allows for maximum adjustability, comfort and safety.
- Elasticized tail strap accommodates various tail sizes and helps to contain odors.
- Fully-lined, waterproof poop pouch keeps droppings away from the bird and makes cleanup easy (allows owners to just dump contents in toilet and wipe clean).
- Extra strong Velcro back strap keeps the FlockSuit in place and allows for length variability.
- Made of soft and stretchy Lycra fabric for maximum comfort.
- What chickens can wear the Flocksuit?
Any chicken with stiff tail feathers can wear the diaper. They must be old enough to have their adult tail feathers (generally after 4 weeks). It is not recommended for tailless breeds.
- Doesn't the bird's poop touch or stick to the bird?
The Flocksuit is designed so that it safely contains the poop AWAY from the bird. However, it may be necessary to trim the feathers around the vent if they have an especially fluffy bum or frequent wet stools.
- How long can birds wear a FlockSuit?
While FlockSuits can be worn for extended periods, we recommend they be emptied or at least checked every few hours or if it smells (just like with a human baby).
- How do you condition a bird to wear a FlockSuit?
Most chickens will become accustomed to the diaper fairly quickly. It is not, however, unusual for them to act strangely (refusing to move, walking sideways or backward, or pulling at the diaper) initially.
The following hints can aid in getting them comfortable more quickly:
Put the FlockSuit on the bird and immediately set it in front of a trail of its favorite treat going away from you. This serves as a positive reinforcement as well as a distraction.
Offer plenty of verbal praise.
Give favorite treats: meal worms, soldier fly larvae, blueberries, etc.
Make for quality one-on-one time away from the coop and other birds.
Treat bird to their favorite toy.
Chickens love to preen! They will fix their feathers until they are happy with how they are laying. This is normal and encouraged.
NOTE: Colours dispatched at random.
Sizing Guide
The breed chart below is meant as a general guide ONLY due to the tremendous amount of variation in size and shape within a breed. However, if you do not know the breed of your chicken, the best way to determine the size is to measure your chicken. To measure the length, you need to make sure the tail and neck are fully upright. Then measure from the base (bottom) of the back of the neck to the base (bottom) of the front of the tail. (do not include the tail feathers).
Petite (Size 0) | 2.5" to 3.5" |
X-Small (Size 1) | 3.5" to 5" |
Small (Size 2) | 4.5" to 6" |
Medium (Size 3) | 5.5" to 8.5" |
Large (Size 4) | 6.5" to 10" |
Ameraucana | Medium |
Ancona | Medium |
Andalusian | Medium |
Appenzellar Spitzhauben | Small |
Araucana | Medium |
Aseel | Small |
Australorp | Medium |
Avam Cemani | Small |
Baheij | Medium |
Bandara | Medium |
Bantam Silkie | Petite |
Bantam Sultan | Petite |
Barnevelder | Medium |
Belgian D’Anvers | X-Small |
Brahma Bantam | Small |
Brahma | Large |
Buckeye | Medium |
Buttercup | Medium |
Campine | Medium |
Catalana | Medium |
Chantecler | Medium |
Cochin | Large |
Cochin Bantam | Small |
Cornish | Large |
Crevecoeur | Medium |
Cubalaya | Medium |
Delaware | Medium |
Dominique | Medium |
Dorking | Medium |
D’Uccle | X-Small |
Dutch Bantam | Small |
English Game Bantam | Petite |
Egyptian Fayoumi | Small |
Faverolles | Medium |
Friesian | Medium |
Gimmizah | Medium |
Hamburg | Small |
Holland | Medium |
Houdan | Medium |
Japanese Bantam | Petite |
Java | Large |
Jersey Giant | Large |
La Fleche | Medium |
Lakenvelder | Small |
Lamona | Medium |
Langshan | Large |
Legbar | Medium |
Leghorn | Medium |
Malay | Large |
Minorca | Large |
Modern Game Bird | Small |
Naked Neck (Turken) | Medium |
New Hampshire Red | Medium |
Nankin | X-Small |
Old English Game Bird | Small |
Orloff | Medium |
Orpington (smaller sized) | Medium |
Orpington (larger sized) | Large |
Penedesenca | Small |
Phoenix | Small |
Plymouth Rock (smaller sized) | Medium |
Plymouth Rock (larger sized) | Large |
Polish | Small |
Polish Bantam | X-Small |
Red Cap | Medium |
Rhode Island Red | Medium |
Rosecomb | X-Small |
Silkie | Small |
Sablepoot | X-Small |
Seabright | Petite |
Serama | Petite |
Shamo | Large |
Styrian | Medium |
Sumatra | Small |
Sussex | Medium |
Sultan | Small |
Swedish Flower Hen | Medium |
Welsummer | Medium |
Wyandottes | Medium |
Yokohama | Small |
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Duck Diaper Size 1 RED
Duck Sizing:
1. Runners - take either a size 1 or 2 as adults. It depends on their "build" - some runners are slimmer than others.
2. Mallards - take a Size 1
3. Pekin - Females are usually a size 2 / Males are usually a size 2 with some going to 3
4. Muscovy - Females usually size 2 / Males are usually size 3
5. Khaki Campbells - take a size 2
Quantity: 1 Diaper
Colour: Red
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