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Featherland Paradise Creative Foraging Vertical Feeder Small|

Featherland Paradise Creative Foraging Vertical Feeder Small


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Featherland Paradise Creative Foraging Vertical Feeder Small

Featherland Paradise Creative Foraging Vertical Feeder Small is a food and treat dispenser constructed from high impact polycarbonate.

  • Avian veterinarians agree that foraging for food is a healthy, stimulating activity which should be encouraged by parrot owners as it will improve the physical and mental well being of their pet This starter kit is an easy to use, economical means to help you reach your goal of having your bird “work” or “expend some effort” to acquire their food on a daily basis Each Starter Kit includes an appropriately sized vertical, polycarbonate foraging box holder and 10 multi-compartment foraging boxes, a 20–30 day supply
  • Parrots must chew thru each compartment to continue to reveal and gather more food
  • As your bird becomes a more proficient forager, add multiple units to the environment
  • Increase the difficulty by positioning units in locations which are more difficult to access

Uses Refill Boxes: Creative Foraging Small Foraging Feeder Refill Boxes 15 Pack -


5cm x 4cm x 10.5cm.

Model: CFS 664